Archive for the ‘Meetings’ Category.

XRDS Meeting 2011 Action Items

1) We need to start reciting an editor for the startup issue.

2) We need to interface better with ACM membership — standardize student registration and make sure as many people as possible get XRDS (ideally in print in my opinion).  The base rate should be XRDS only, with add ons for things like CACM. – Vaggelis

3) We need to better interface with ACM student chapters (maybe send them a box of prints to keep them engaged and bring awareness to XRDS).

4) We’ve already started a rolling open access model for issue content – awesome.  Now we need to highlight this on the site, and investigate ways we can promote its syndication.

5) Make a “welcome packet” for each editor role, including issue editors.  Who “reports” to who, with what, and roughy when.  What are the responsibilities, and perhaps some example articles (inits, labs, etc.)

6) Perhaps craft a new “Research Highlights” department, showcasing “best papers” by students (perhaps include the abstracts of these papers for all ACM conferences that period).

7) We discussed creating a new image-centric “demos” department.

First Meeting

Meeting to introduce major players and discuss intial tasks.